DH and DS gave me a gift certificate to one of my LYS's - where the heck do I start with that? Maybe I'll pick up in the middle of those Great American Afgan classes...
It's tons of birthdays, actually. Me. Husband's niece's husband. FIL. SIL. Great nephews (2 of them). Friends (quite a few - Cathy, I love you!). Co-workers.
When I was a kid, no one had an August birthday except me. I thought it was strange that only I should have a birthday during the summer. Now everyone does.
I've only just starting knitting again. I had a rotator cuff repair in July. Oh, honey, it hurts. I'd rather have a baby, any day. My doctor starts physical therapy the day after surgery, and I've been at it 3 days a week since then. And at home. So now I can knit and I don't know what to knit first. Or rather, what to finish first. The denim bag for DH? The school-colors scarf for soccer this winter? Start the tank top I never got around to? How about finishing that Noni bag I started ages ago?
My intentions are good. I spend oodles of time on Ravelry looking for just the right pattern to inspire me. I have to stop looking. I'm overwhelmed.
So instead, I spend time wishing I could be organized. Like this.
Or this.